Here are a few of the things that we’ve been busy adding to the Hideaway over the winter to prepare for the new season.
The old ramp had character but was getting a little worn and wobbly. This is not too surprising as it was somewhere around 50 years old. Last fall we replaced it with a new wider and more stable ramp. This will make it easier to move belongings from the dock but the trip to the dock is now less exciting. We have also been able to recover space on the dock to give more room for lounging and watersports.
Visualize yourself sitting here reading a book or enjoying the view with a cool drink in your hand.
As part of the installation of the new ramp we have improved the landing at the top of the ramp. It now provides a new sitting area that provides a sunny spot right on the ocean and provides better access to other sitting and storage areas.
We have added a new 27 inch monitor and Chromecast in the office/ sitting room. It has an HDMI switch to allow you to attach it to attach to your device as an external monitor or to stream content through the Chromecast.
The paddleboat that sits on the dock is the preferred way to get around in the bay. The old boat has seen much use and has developed significant character over the years. Unfortunately, that character is expressed as broken seats, small leaks and beat up peddles. This year we are replacing the old boat with a new equivalent boat with less character but more functionality.